Where do I put all this IEP paperwork?

How do I prepare for upcoming IEP meetings?

Don't IEP Alone Toolkit

A complete online library of printable and downloadable resources that gives you the tools to become an empowered and organized parent advocate for your child.

Perfect for moms, dads or professional advocates!

Yes! I Need This >>

An Arsenal of IEP Advocacy Tools To Keep You Organized for One Low $24 Price!

And avoid costly, progress-delaying advocacy mistakes.


With the IEP Toolkit, you’ll finally feel prepared and ready to take on any IEP meeting and challenges that come your way -- even if you’re a veteran disability parent.

I want the IEP Toolkit.

"I just wanted to say your IEP advice helped us tremendously to stay organized through all the chaos of the process. At first, my son was only on a 504 plan, but with the support of your IEP information and tips, I was able to successfully advocate for my son to receive his IEP testing. This IEP binder really helped me navigate that process to hold the school personnel accountable and keep me on top of my son’s progress! Thank you!"

 –Kim B, Mother of one with Learning Disability

Are you ready to be a better IEP Advocate?

Are you ready to stop stressing out about your IEP meeting and ready to walk in confident instead?

Get the tools you need to get your IEP team to listen to your concerns.

You know that you are an equal IEP team member. Maybe you've even tried suggesting changes to the IEP.

And yet, it's not quite working. Another year of "Let's wait and see."

Your child is falling further behind his/her age peers academically. You feel like they are not making any progress but the team disagrees. Homework is an hours-long daily battle with lots of yelling, frustration, and tears (you and your child!).

Other people make it look easy. But for you, it's been anything but. You thought that the hard part was going to be attending IEP meetings, but as it turns out, that was only just the beginning. And now you feel like you must be missing something.

And you're not alone. Most parents are as frustrated as you are.

The truth is that having a concrete action plan that follows the outlined IEP process is a game-changer. One that will have your IEP team sit up, take notice and take your concerns seriously.

The problem? Most parents don't keep an accurate paper trail or enough documentation. And, they don't follow the outlined IEP process.

But what if there was a way to make sure you had done all you can?

"It felt so empowering to walk in to my son's annual IEP with everything laid out and organized so well, as well as having notes written up and pertinent information at my fingertips. Our team was pleased too!"

 –Patty H., Mom of 2, one with disabilities transitioning to Middle School


The IEP Toolkit will help you Be a Better Advocate for your Child.

The IEP Toolkit was first developed in 2015, by me, a Special Education and IEP Parent myself.

Since then, it has gone through several revisions, each time with a focus group of parents like you.

I want to make the IEP Process easier for parents and this toolkit will help get you there. Parents who have purchased it before participate in my focus groups and together we make it better and better with each revision.

If you are a an IEP parent, this is an opportunity that I promise you will not want to miss.

"The IEP organizer helped me to be on even footing with the IEP teams for both of my sons. It didn't just help me stay organized. I was able to review what was working and what wasn't, and it also let me plan for the future. An added bonus was that I looked professional when bringing it with me so my concerns were taken seriously."

 –Mayra Z., Mom to two Autistic Children

So much more than an IEP Binder.

Sure, other websites offer IEP binders. But, not many of them are created by someone who is both a parent and an advocate. Most are put together by the school staff or clinicians. And, with this IEP Toolkit, you don't just get a bunch of printables. You get a live community where you can find support and answers to your questions. Plus the best and most helpful IEP advice you'll find online.

"I think your templates for how to write a parents concern letter for inclusion on an IEP is so important. I was able to get my child into one of New York's state-approved private schools after a near two year battle with the NYC Dept. Of Education. I achieved this without attorney representation. I was represented by an attorney for two academic years- not once did the attorney advise me to submit a parent concern letter for inclusion in the IEP. "

 –Erma P.


Get all the tools you need to be an Effective IEP Team Member.

When you purchase the IEP Toolkit, you will have instant access to all the tools you need to effectively address your IEP concerns. My proven process provides a step-by-step plan for how to address the IEP team in a manner they cannot ignore. And, you'll never wonder what your next step should be.

IEP Binder Organization

It's not just about putting all your IEP stuff in a binder. I use a planned, methodical system that helps you analyze each portion of the IEP, in conjunction with the IEP process outlined by IDEA.

Huge Idea Bank!

Over the past 14 years, I can't even count how many times I've heard parents say "I don't know what to ask for." That will no longer be a problem, as this IEP toolkit includes hundreds of ideas for IEP goals, accommodations, strategies and more.

Letter Templates and Communication

Having a paper trail is the key to a successful IEP process. I'm including letter templates for you to swipe and use to send to your team. Plus, other worksheets to document communication between you and the IEP team.

Online Community

All IEP Toolkit purchasers get access to a private online forum where every question is answered by a professional advocate.

"You probably get this a lot but I felt that it was still worth saying. I think you are so AMAZING! I’m the mother of a beautiful boy on the spectrum who is currently being assessed for special education preschool. I read your articles and I love your website. I just can’t thank you enough for the work that you do. I’m in tears writing this! I’d be lost without you. Seriously, a million times thank you! I am forever grateful to have you as a resource."

 –Lauren R.