Take Your IEP Process from Confusing and Chaotic to Confident and Calm.

Hey Parents! I'll help you master the IEP Process: In just a few sessions, you can develop the skills and systems that will take you from stressed and overwhelmed by IEPs to calm and in control.

And, avoid costly, progress-delaying mistakes.

I'm Ready for a Better IEP Experience.

"...the best resource for IEP information!  I direct other parents there and share information often.  You are always accurate with the most current legal info, but I also appreciate your promotion of person-centered and empowered thinking."

 –Michele W, Executive Director of Expect ExtraOrdinary


You know you should be doing more for your child's IEP, but you don't know where to begin.

Let's face it--there's nothing more frustrating than the IEP process. You feel like you're spinning your wheels and never actually get anywhere with your school. You're disheartened spending time preparing for an IEP meeting, only to have the team dismiss your concerns and suggestions.

You know that you have Parents' Rights. Maybe you've even tried reading IDEA in an effort to better understand and use your leverage. You are in frequent communication with the IEP team.

And yet, it's not quite working.

Nothing ever changes. You don't have to memorize IDEA or your Parents' Rights Booklet. You don't have to hire a Professional Advocate to get results. Other people make it look easy.

But for you, it's been anything but. You thought that the hard part was going to your first IEP meeting, but as it turns out, that was only just the beginning. And now you feel like you must be missing something. You're not alone. Most parents feel like this.

The truth is that having an action plan that falls within the framework of IDEA is a game-changer. One that will make the entire IEP process less stressful for you, give you a template to follow for every IEP issue or concern you have, and even increase your chances of getting your team to YES.

NO MORE wondering if you're asking for the right things for your child, if you've done enough, or gotten your child everything he/she is entitled to. The problem?

Most training that is available to parents is either a) developed by academics who are out of touch with the realities of IEPs, or b) only focus on having you learn minute details of IDEA, often make achieving learning the IEP process more trouble than it's worth.

But what if there was a way to make sure you got it right?

When February ends, so does the $100 coupon code: FREAKOUT100

Begin IEP Advocacy Training.

Hey There, I'm Lisa!

Since 2010, I have attended hundreds of IEP meetings and helped hundreds of families be heard. I can troubleshoot IEPs in my sleep! (and sometimes I do). But it wasn't always that way. I've made my fair share of mistakes.

I've fired team members and case-managers and blindly asked for twice the number of services my son was getting (expecting twice the progress!). Our early meetings were not what I'd call "successful."

I have attended dozens of workshops and conferences that were a waste of time and money.

Going through IDEA line by line is not helpful if you're not given a blueprint of how to implement it. Intervention ideas are not helpful if you don't know how to ask for them.

Once I figured it out, I told myself I wasn't going to stop until I could teach every possible parent out there. So that's what I do.

I've developed a 4-Step Process for IEPs™ that applies to any IEP situation. Evaluations, changes to the IEP, even your annual IEP meeting--you can run your situation through the 4 steps and have an action plan to address your concerns.

I want to show you the way to yes.

Sign Up for Online Advocacy Training.

Featured on:


Imagine having an Action Plan that works for every IEP Concern that comes up.

Here's what that can look like in just a few weeks.

I have the roadmap for a manageable IEP process that you've been waiting for.

Say no more! I'm in!

"With Level II Autism, my son struggles to get to school. It is almost like he is frozen. It is like he is having a panic attack, but he turtles himself and can't speak.  These days are tough. It was so frustrating that he was missing so much school. I felt helpless and didn't know what to do. 

All of your things have made a huge difference. He rode the bus, and went to school, eleven days in a row. This was a big change from the beginning of the year, where he missed too much school, and I felt a failure as a mom, because I didn't know how to help him.  Now, I feel more confident that he will be able to live on his own some day.  Thank you for giving me that peace of mind."

 –Michelle C


Master the IEP Process and Go From Chaos to Calm.

Don't IEP Alone Academy is a revolutionary way of approaching the IEP system, designed to help you better understand and utilize your role as a parent advocate so that you have an improved chance of moving your IEP team to "Yes!"

This Online IEP Advocacy Academy was created to help parents be better, more effective IEP advocates for their kids and because not every parent has access to an advocate. So far, I have helped hundreds of families.

We all have piles of IEP papers all over our homes, right? How do you know what to keep, what to discard, what matters, and what data you need more of? How do you get an IEP Team to not just hear your concerns, but actually listen to them?

If you are an IEP Parent, or if you want to support a friend or family member in the IEP process, this is an opportunity that I promise you will not want to miss.

" The biggest role it played in me helping my son was that I didn’t know ANYTHING about IEPs at the time. Therefore, I didn’t know anything was required, that I had rights, and that I played a key role in the process. Because of the organizer (and the questions it helped me generate), I went from being a mom whose son never even had an IEP to a mom whose son was approved for a non-public school that can meet his needs. I went from being a total IEP rookie to an IEP all-star ."

 –Berlyn M, parent and teacher


Before you Purchase Don't IEP Alone:

Yes to all of this!

- STEP 1 -


The cornerstone of effective IEP advocacy is data and organization. You'll learn what to keep, how to keep it, and for how long. You'll also learn how to do an effective IEP Record Review on your own child's files.

- STEP 2 -


Next, once you learn what you can support with data, we'll learn what you're entitled to and what is appropriate to ask for. No more "What should I ask for?" or "Can I ask for this?" You'll know before you make your ask.

- STEP 3-


Then, together we'll develop a communication and follow-up strategy for you to use with your IEP team. We'll review all the options and responses--because the IEP process never changes.

No more spinning your wheels, wondering what is going to happen next. You'll know!

"The IEP process is frightening and can make a person question their knowledge, ability, and confidence.  Every time I walk into an IEP meeting with these materials in my hands, my confidence is restored because I go into the meeting organized, structured, and ready to take on what is often very scary.  The practical tips help me feel empowered because I know I can refer to them — quickly — when I start to lose my focus or when doubt in my ability to advocate creeps in.  Overall, having this instills confidence for me because I know I am prepared and ready… and this helps me stay calm and allows me to do what I need to for my child."

 –Nicki, Attorney


What makes Don't IEP Alone Academy special is that I am both a parent and an experienced, award-winning advocate. But, I've never forgotten what it's like to be a confused, frustrated IEP parent. I explain this in ways that you'll "get it." LIFETIME ACCESS means any time you have a question, you come back and ask.

Patricia S says:

"Thank you. Your information has been very helpful while I’m trying to navigate this new world. Thank you for helping me learn how to advocate for my kids."

Beth W says:

"I just want to thank you for all that you do. You help so many kids by helping us parents. THANK YOU LISA!!!💕💕"

"I am ever grateful to you for what you do and your commitment to your program being so thorough, accessible and affordable!!! Thank you SO much!"

 –Vicki G


Get all the tools you need to CRUSH IT in your IEP Meetings.

When you purchase Don't IEP Alone Academy, you will have access to all the tools you need to understand and meaningfully participate in the IEP process.

My proven process provides a step-by-step plan for how to increase your chances of getting to "Yes!" with your IEP team.

And, you'll never wonder what your next step should be.


I take you through my exclusive 4-step process to tackling IEPs and will do that with 7 webinars. Each webinar is 30-60 minutes. You can work through these modules on your own time, your own schedule--when it's convenient for you. Bring your questions to the live Q&As on Thursdays.


You receive LIFETIME ACCESS, so if something comes up, you can complete the course when you have time. If you have IEP concerns in the future, you're welcome to come back and take modules again, or see new ones.


I want to make sure that our Don't IEP Alone Academy members have everything you need to make you a better IEP advocate. Which is why, in addition to all of the recorded webinars, members will also get access to our full library of bonus programs and resources, including the IEP Toolkit. You also receive lifetime access to any tools or training modules that are offered in the future.


If you choose the Live Chat option, we meet on Zoom every Thursday at 12:00 and 2:00. We have attorneys, BCBAs and other experts join us to further our advocacy knowledge. These videos are added to the training library if you cannot attend live. This is something you won't find in any other training!


Want to do a deep dive on a topic like Assistive Technology, FBAs, or Discipline? In addition to the series of 7 webinars, bonus deep-dive content on specific areas will be added often. The IEP Toolkit is updated about every 18 months. There are currently 88 videos in the library with new ones added frequently. And again, you'll have access to it for a lifetime!

"Lisa, I could not limit how much I love this to a sentence or two: Your IEP toolkit, your training...it all makes sense out of nonsense.  You remind parents to stay focused and get the job done.  Every time I use it, I admire you (and perhaps even envy) your steadfastness and determination.  Take care!"

 –Mary M, Mom to 2 kids with Autism, ADHD, and Learning Disabilities

Convenient Scheduling Options

Since Don't IEP Alone Academy started in 2020, it has grown significantly. Sometimes I hesitate to list it all because it might overwhelm some people. There are 88 training modules currently in the training library, and you'll have access to all of them.

But, you only have to do the modules that apply to your situation and your child.

Advocacy Strategy

  • 4 Step Advocacy Strategy
  • 30-60 minutes of new material
  • Hands-on learning activity using your child's files, such as how to do a record review.
  • How do I interpret my child's evaluations?
  • What is FAPE? What can I ask for on an IEP?
  • How to communicate effectively with your IEP team and get results.

$397 Included!

Deep Dives

  • Homework and Special Considerations and Issues when you have an IEP; how to add homework to your data collection process
  • The IEP Placement Decision Making Process, explained.
  • How to Write an IEP Goal
  • IEP Eligibility Categories and Special Factors: What are they and do they matter?
  • An in-depth look at your Parental Rights/Procedural Safeguards
  • An in-depth look at IEP Evaluations and understanding the results
  • IEP Transition-6 part workshop
  • 53 Deep Dive Sessions in all

$397 Included!

Professional Advocacy

Starting your own advocacy business can be overwhelming. But, we collaborate weekly as we navigate this together. Plus, you can learn from the collective wisdom of dozens of advocates.

  • Business Essentials: Learn the nuts and bolts of setting up your advocacy business—from legalities to branding.
  • Client Acquisition and Management: Master the art of finding clients who trust your expertise and keeping them happy.
  • Fee Structures: Understand how to value your services and create a fee structure that reflects the incredible support you provide.
  • And More: No stone is left unturned. We prepare you for a successful, impactful advocacy career.

$397 Included!

Live Chat Schedule Spring 2025

If you choose to not attend the live chats with attorneys and experts, you can still view them when they are added to the training library.

  • February 20, 2025: 12:00: Action: Planning your response to the school's response; 2:00 Attorney Training: Understanding and advocating for systemic issues
  • February 27, 2025: 12:00: IEP Meeting Preparation; 1:00 Attorney Training: Former OCR attorney shares what's "behind the curtain" at the OCR; NOTE: This is at 1:00 not 2:00 this week to accommodate the attorney's schedule!
  • March 6, 2025: 12:00 Understanding and using the PWN in your advocacy; 2:00 Professional Advocate Networking
  • March 13, 2025: 12:00 Understanding IEP Progress Monitoring; 2:00 Professional Advocate Networking
  • March 27, 2025: 12:00 IEP Dispute Resolution Options (as per Procedural Safeguards); 2:00 Professional Advocate Networking
  • April 10, 2025: 12:00 Complaint Options for Parents (compliance, etc.);2:00 Professional Advocate Networking
  • April 17-May 1: Open Q&As for parents and advocates

"....has helped in more ways than I can tell you. I have custody of 2 grandsons with autism and this was new unchartered territory for me. You have shown me what questions that I need to ask and have saved me precious time in placing all of my documents in order so that I can turn to them as needed without having to hunt for them. Again, thank you so much."

 –Lori H, IEP Grandparent


Is Don't IEP Alone Right For Me?


To start, you get 7 webinars taking you through the 4 step process to being a better IEP advocate.

You have access to these pieces of training for a lifetime. Including all the printable materials. After the 7 Initial Sessions, you can return to all or part of the recorded sessions as often as you wish. Plus, Deep Dives on specific topics will be added regularly.


In Don't IEP Alone Academy, you'll learn:

  • How to do an IEP Records Review
  • How to develop an action plan for your Annual IEP Meeting.
  • How to be prepared with data for your asks.
  • How to Effectively Use your Parental Rights
  • Have a 4-step formula for every IEP issue or concern.
  • How to Be a Better Advocate for your child.
  • Too much to list on one page!


This is not a book, it is a comprehensive learning and support system for IEP Parents. Please keep in mind that all materials are delivered digitally in PDF format or video. Parents need internet access to participate.


At this time our accompanying products are only available in digital PDF format. Many parents use a service like Staples, Kinkos or BestValueCopy and get it printed and shipped to their home. Note: Much of the printed/printable material is worksheets, not a book that you'll read cover to cover.


Within 15 minutes! As soon as you register, you'll receive your log-in information and registration information and you're off to the races. You can begin immediately and complete what modules you need, when you want to complete them.


If you parent a child with an IEP, then this is for you.

Friends, Caregivers, Aunties, Foster Parents, Educational Surrogates, Grandparents, Godparents...you're all encouraged to take the course so you can be a support person for the one(s) you love.

If you have an attorney or you are currently in the stages of due process, please wait until you have completed that before enrolling.


Yes, but know that there is no licensure or certification with this program. However, this is the exact process I use with my clients, so there's no reason why other advocates could not use it as well.

There is no single nationally required license or certification to become an advocate. But, I am always attending all kinds of workshops, training, and conferences and recommend that all working advocates do the same.


One of the unfortunate things about IEPs is that the system is not fair. It is stacked against parents. Some schools will say no until a parent either hire an attorney or stop asking. I cannot guarantee how any school staff will respond.

But what I can tell you is this--With Don't IEP Alone Academy, you will know what you have data to support, and what you don't. And you will efficiently, effectively, and meticulously be following the IEP process outlined by IDEA.

Most parents don't do that. I don't get satisfaction for my families just because I'm an advocate--it's because I know what I can support asking for on paper and what I cannot. And I know how to work toward getting data if we don't have it.


Many training agencies just take you through IDEA and other laws, pointing out a few things here and there. I'm turning the advocacy process upside-down--we're taking an advocate's approach and working within the framework of IDEA. Memorizing the laws isn't helpful. Having an action plan to implement, that follows the laws--that's helpful.


Hiring an advocate is expensive. Many charge $50-$200 per hour and more. For the same price as what you would pay an advocate for just a few hours, you will have a lifetime of advocacy skills. Don't IEP Alone Academy is $397 for lifetime access.